Möchten Sie diesen Riese und Müller Load 75 Touring HS Kiox 2019 Cargo kaufen oder benötigen Sie weitere Hilfe? And just as much fun! Load 75: Designed to safely carry 1 to 3 kids up front on the 75cm long load platform. Perfect handling in every situation – on the tarmac, forest trails, or gravel roads: the Riese & Muller Load 60 is so maneuverable and agile that you never feel like you’re on an E-Cargo bike. Whatever you have in mind. With full in-store servicing for our wide variety of bikes, free tests rides and expert advice - we are your ebike team. (Mitte, vorne oder Hinterrad). Was ist der beste Elektrofahrräder & E-Bike-Motor? The Load 75 is still just as agile and manoeuvrable as its “little” brother. Und dank seiner hochwertigen Komponenten ist das Load 75 dabei auch noch extrem zuverlässig. Chi ha grandi progetti non dovrebbe tormentarsi con questioni di poca importanza, come: ci sta anche la cassa d'acqua vicino alla borsa grande? Basta lo spazio per tutti e tre i bambini? One double seat, one single seat and footwell for the safe transport of up to three children, optionally with cover. Find out more Perfect handling in every situation – on tarmac, forest trails or gravel roads: the Load 60 is so manoeuvrable and agile that you never feel like you’re on an E-Cargo bike. Rear cargo rack ensures you always have space for groceries, backpacks, boxes and more. And the Load 75 is also extremely reliable, thanks to its high-grade components. Es ist nur ein anderer Name, nicht mehr! Die Riese und Müller Load 75 Touring HS Kiox 2019 Cargo Batterie hat eine Kapazität von 1000 Watt. Whether camping equipment, the weekly shop, transporting children or tools and materials for customers who use the Load 75 for business purposes. Der Standort des Motors ist wichtig für Stabilität, Preis und Komfort. Low side walls. The strong, latest-generation Bosch Performance CX motor delivers hitherto unknown power. Riese & Müller gibt an, das Load 75 sei passend von einer Körpergröße von 1,50m bis 1,95m. Bei Bedarf können Sie jedoch so fahren, als hätten Sie immer Rückenwind. Vereinbaren Sie eine Probefahrt e-Bikes und Service vom Experten E-bike eccellenti sono infatti il risultato di ottimizzazioni costanti. High side walls can be used for securely transporting larger loads. The Electric Bike Team is New Zealand's premier supplier of ebikes. And pack it up. Handy extra pocket at the back. Sie können auch einfach mit einem Elektrofahrrad fahren. With its low center of gravity, Riese & Müller Control Technology, and a huge loading surface, the Riese & Muller Load 75 Touring HS combines riding dynamics and load options, like no other E-Cargo bike. Protected from rain by an optional cover. Its low center of gravity, the latest generation of powerful Bosch Performance CX motor, and Riese & Müller Control Technology ensure a dynamic and outstanding riding experience. Möchten Sie regelmäßig längere Strecken mit dem e-bikes Fahrrad zurücklegen, oder benutzen Sie das Fahrrad täglich zum Pendeln über längere Strecken? Riese & Müller: This is the brand of the electric bike (the company that makes this electric bike is called Riese & Müller). Vibrations and hard shocks, such as from cobblestones or kerbs, are significantly reduced and you remain in control even in tricky situations. Erfahren Sie alles über das neue Riese und Müller Load Lasten e-Bike 2021. Ready to conquer the world. Posted on July 18, 2019 by electricbazza Leave a comment. Verschiedene Motoren sind: Mittelmotor vorteile: hohe Stabilität, geeignet für hügeliges Gelände. Ein Riese und Müller Elektrofahrrad ist genau das gleiche wie ein Riese und Müller Riese und Müller Load 75 Touring HS Kiox 2019 Cargo E-Bike. Migliorare è la nostra missione. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter. Vorderradmotor vorteile: Der e-bikes Motor ist sehr leise und die Fahrräder sind günstig. Feel the wind in your hair, enjoy the speed, quick stops, and fast starting. Denken Sie daran, dass Sie ein bisschen schwerer zu treten sind, als Sie es von einem normalen Fahrrad gewohnt sind. Unfortunately they cost more than most though, … © 2021 - Popular Product - Alle Rechte vorbehalten, Riese und Müller Load 75 Touring HS Kiox 2019 Cargo, Bewertung Cube Town Hybrid Pro für tägliche Fahrten. This flexibility is unique among E-Cargo bikes and makes the Load ideal for shared use, for example within a family. Alles über Speed Pedelecs, Bewertung Gazelle Cityzen C8 HMB - sportlich und überall zu Hause, Was ist die beste Position für einen E-Bike-Motor? 75: This refers to the length of the cargo area. Riese & Müller electric bikes are the best of the best. And nothing disturbs the safe and agile riding experience. With its low centre of gravity, Riese & Müller Control Technology, and a huge loading surface, the Load 75 combines riding dynamics and load options, like no other E-Cargo bike. F00386_39 – base model, F00389_0135330405 – shop demo, F00389_013533110407 – shop demo, F00392_021611041507 – rohloff, F00393_331204150713 – all options, F00503_01041813061709 – GT Vario white 3 seats rai, F00506_025033110407 – Load 75 HS Gray 1000Wh. Want to know more about the Riese and Muller Load 75? Riese und Müller Load 75 Touring HS Kiox 2019 Cargo, mit einer vollen Batterie haben sie eine maximale Reichweite (Radius) von 100 Kilometern. Load: This is the line of bikes. One of the children faces the rider while other two sit facing the direction of travel. Touring: This means that this model has wider tires and is set up to handle touring (long-distance rides). And pack it up. Riese and Muller 2021 Electric Bikes are available at our showroom in London Bridge to test-ride and buy today! Riese & Müller work closely with … Mit zahlreichen optionalen Ausstattungsoptionen können Sie das Load zudem individuell konfigurieren. Dann ist ein Fahrrad mit großer Reichweite die beste Wahl. The low centre of gravity, the many individual cargo equipment options and the sophisticated Control Technology make the Load 75 perfectly configurable for all requirements. The low side walls, made of weather-resistant plastic, are recommended for transporting normal everyday things. Well-protected under a practical cover if it’s raining. moms Har du store planer, så skal du ikke bekymre dig om du kan have dem med på R&M’s Load 75. Mit Vollfederung und extrem robusten Rahmen lassen die 2019-er Cargo e-Bikes der Reihe Load ihre Fahrer auch mit Gepäck nicht so schnell im Stich. Sunday: Closed, © 2021 EBike Team. Basta lo spazio per tutti e tre i bambini? Come Take A Test Ride: Riese & Müller Load demo bikes are available for test rides and … Nooit meer eindeloos speuren naar je allerbeste keuze! Riese & Müller grew from a friendship between Markus Riese and Heiko Müller, who were mechanical engineering students at the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany in the late 1980’s. Chi ha grandi progetti non dovrebbe tormentarsi con questioni di poca importanza, come: ci sta anche la cassa d'acqua vicino alla borsa grande? Fully Charged have specially ordered over 200 eBikes from Riese & Muller for 2021, and have staggered delivery of them throughout the year, generally meaning a … A five-point harness, seat belt system, will keep up to three young ones seated, and … The extra spacious footwell prevents your passengers from getting in each other’s way. Admittedly, when you hear the word “Cargo E-Bike”, not everyone immediately thinks of fun on two wheels. The front of the bike accepts add-on accessories from Riese & Müller including plastic sidewalls and covers. Mit Vollfederung und extrem robusten Rahmen lassen die 2019-er Cargo e-Bikes der Reihe Load ihre Fahrer auch mit Gepäck nicht so schnell im Stich. Enter your email address to keep up to date on all the latest ebike news. Der Riese und Müller Load 75 Touring HS Kiox 2019 Cargo hat einen mittelmotor. eBikes gibt es in vielen Formen und Farben. ab 6.199,00 € Load 75 vario / coal grey matt Die Riese und Müller Load 75 Touring HS Kiox 2019 Cargo Batterie hat eine Kapazität von 1000 Watt. Die Winkel- und Höhenverstellung ist sehr gut gelöst und mit wenigen Handgriffen zu erledigen. The overall geometry of the bike can be perfectly adjusted to the rider in just a few easy steps. Can I safely take all three children with me at the same time? Comfortable double child seat with low side walls for safe travel, optionally with cover. All Rights Reserved. Die neue Dual Battery Technologie sorgt zusätzlich dafür, dass dem Motor bei langen Strecken mit bis zu 1000 Wh nicht so schnell die Puste ausgeht. Never before has a Riese & Muller E-Cargo bike offered so much space for your loved ones: up to three children can be comfortably and safely accommodated on the Load 75. Oder suchen Sie einen bestimmten Test oder Rat? E-bike, e-cargobike e bici pieghevoli di qualità studiate nei minimi dettagli, con la tecnica più innovativa e un design ispirato al futuro. Разгледай над 250 електрически колела и нашите промоции. Ready to conquer the world. Eine kräftige Motorisierung mit Bosch Antriebssystemen sorgt dabei für die nötige Unterstützung. Електрическият велосипед Riese&Muller Load 75 Touring е с мотор и батерия Bosch. The Birdy won the award, which was the push that Riese & Müller needed to get started. Reliable, performance-oriented and innovative. Ein E-Bike und ein Elektrofahrrad sind genau dasselbe. Riese & Müller Load 75 – how cargo bikes should be. Fill out your details below and we will phone you back. Web Design & Marketing by Ryze Limited, F00503_01041813061709 - GT Vario white 3 seats rai, F00506_025033110407 - Load 75 HS Gray 1000Wh, F00503_01041813061709 – GT Vario white 3 seats rai, F00506_025033110407 – Load 75 HS Gray 1000Wh, Old Ghost Road by electric bike – ride report, E-bike Tours in Aotearoa with Tours Direct, University of Auckland Partnership with Ebike Team, Load 75 touring / white / optional equipment: High sidewalls. Die Riese & Müller Control Technology steht für maximalen Fahrspaß: Die perfekt abgestimmte Vollfederung der Hinterradschwinge sorgt für sichere Traktion auch bei schlechten Straßenverhältnissen und hohen Geschwindigkeiten. #espaibici #rieseundmüller #rieseundmullerload #rieseundmüllerload75 #bicisyniños Footwell for smaller purchases, handy extra pocket at the back. With a 50% larger cargo area compared to the “small” Load, everyone’s cargo gets to where it needs to go. They shared free time converting and optimizing bicycles and eventually created a special full suspension folding bike in 1992 called the Birdy. Founded in Germany in 1993 by friends Markus Riese and Heiko Müller, the two keen cyclists set out to invent electric bikes that set trends and encourage sustainable urban mobility. Mon-Fri: 9am–6pm Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns oder sehen Sie sich unsere e-bikes-hinzufügen mit praktischen Filtern. Inkl. Riese & Muller Load 75 Touring 2020. We are passionate and carry over a decade of experience. Fehlen e-bikes? You get to choose from a traditional ten-speed Shimano Deore XT drivetrain with sprockets or the NuVinci continuously variable transmission which is slightly heavier but can be shifted at standstill. Riese and Muller Load 75 $ 11,749.00 – $ 18,575.00 Feel the wind in your hair, enjoy the speed, quick stops, and fast starting. If you have big plans, you shouldn’t have to bother with trivial matters: Does the crate of water still fit next to the big bag? Posso affrontare senza problemi questa discesa ripida sulla ghiaia con tutto questo carico? And the Load 75 is also extremely reliable, thanks to its high-grade components. Derudover har du også komforten som på Load 60, med fuldaffjedring. With the Load 75, the answer is almost always: No problem! Its low centre of gravity, the latest generation of powerful Bosch Performance CX motor and Riese & Müller Control Technology ensure a dynamic and outstanding riding experience. Her kan du have op til tre børn med på en gang. Will I be able to get down the steep gravel road with such a large load? The Load is their full-suspension cargo e-bike, with a double-battery Bosch electric assist motor. Optimally positioned reflectors ensure you are quickly noticed in the dark. This means more possibilities and greater freedom. The Load 75 is a full suspension cargo bike with plenty of room for supplies or kiddos. Die nach Euro Rastermaß konzipierte Ladefläche ermöglicht es Kindersitze, Lebensmittel, oder auch Umzugskartons zu transportieren. Posso affrontare senza problemi questa discesa ripida sulla ghiaia con tutto questo carico? Con la Load 75 la risposta è quasi sempre la stessa: certamente. Just 6% more outside length gives the Load 75 a massive 50% larger cargo space, offering room for an astonishing amount of cargo. Flexible load transport and large cargo area. The Riese & Müller Load comes in four flavors, two with high-torque Bosch CX motors and two with the Bosch Performance Line Speed motor offering 20 mph and 28 mph top speeds respectively. And take as much with you as you need. Low side walls and a luggage shelf comfortably transporting two children at the same time as a crate of water or bag. Electric cargo bikes can be toward the higher end of e-bike pricing, and the Load 75 from German company Riese & Muller is one of the most expensive e-bikes we’ve tested. Schnelles elektrisches Fahrrad? The strong, latest-generation Bosch Performance CX motor delivers hitherto unknown power. Per sportivi, pendolari, famiglie, viaggiatori, artigiani e per tutti coloro che amano andare in bicicletta. Non esiste una e-bike che vada bene per tutti – … But this changes when you sit on a Load with Control Technology. Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail und wir werden Ihren Favoriten zu unserer e-bikes hinzufügen. Every time I ride a Riese & Müller bike I think to myself, ah, so that’s how a bike in that category should ride. Thanks to the angle- and height-adjustable stem and the adjustable saddle height, the seat position can be altered to accommodate body sizes from 1.50m to 1.95m and adapted to preferences from sporty to comfortable. And take as much with you as you need. Which is guaranteed to contribute to a relaxed shared riding experience. Cargo eBike da carico biammortizzata in alluminio, con motore specifico Bosch Cargo Line Cruise GEN4, doppia batteria Bosch PowerPack da 500Wh e display Bosch Intuvia. 58.800,00 kr. Was das Lastenrad kann, zeigt das Video! Riese & Müller Load 75 Vario HS. Wenn das Produkt verfügbar ist, zeigen wir die Preise und den Vorrat der verschiedenen Lieferanten an Bis bald. / Riese & Müller Load 75 / Page 1 of 1 Sort by: The Load 75. Aber das Riese & Müller Load ist eine Sache für sich. Hinterradmotor vorteile: Geeignet für hügeliges Gelände, sehr leise und mehr Gänge. Even more space for your freedom. Riese und Müller Load 75 Rohloff: 7.859 euro; Riese und Müller Load 60 Rohloff: 7.649 euro; Riese und Müller Load 75 Vario HS: 7.249 euro; Riese und Müller Load 60 Vario HS: 7.039 euro; Riese und Müller Load 75 Touring HS: 6.939 euro; Riese und Müller Load 60 Touring HS: 6.739 euro; Riese und Müller Load 75 Vario: 6.629 euro; Riese und Müller Multicharger GT Rohloff HS: 6.529 euro The optimised chassis and the finely tuned full suspension not only ensure optimum comfort, but also a safe ride at higher speeds and excellent road holding. There is now also a spacious footwell that can also be used as an additional loading area for small parts. Das Load 75 wurde für die Saison 2019 neu konzipiert und verfügt im Vergleich zum Load 60 nur über 6% mehr Außenlänge, aber über einen 50% größeren Laderaum ohne dass Agilität und Wendigkeit beeinträchtigt werden. 6 733,44 € 7 481,60 €. Riese & Muller Load 75 From$ 8,309.00 The Load 75. To match your Load 75, the perfect accessories provide the ideal solution for your transport projects. Saturday: 10am–4pm Virtually everything fits. I modelli di Riese & Müller. The cargo area and the optional carrier are co-sprung, so that your load is perfectly protected. Con la Load 75 la risposta è quasi sempre la stessa: certamente. La nueva Riese und Müller Load 75 para llevar a 3 niños a la vez!!! The optional tarpaulin protects the cargo from dirt, rain, and prying eyes. The length is 75 centimeters.
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