wind waker tower of the gods
You can break the pots and retrieve items by using your Boomerang, so don't bother going to the corners of the room. Now hit start or R to control Link again. With Jason Appling, Cameron Drees. For the "Waker of the Winds", see Link. Shoot down the flying skulls, then shoot the eye switch with your Bow while standing on the platform that moves left and right. This was the third and final statue. Tower of the Gods ← Placing the Pearls; ... After the scene, face the symbols on the slab, then use the Wind Waker, pressing left on the D-stick for 4/4 time, to learn the Command Melody. 9.1 Tower of the GodsProgress at this pointTotal LifeHeart Pieces 33/44Charts 29/46New in this section The idols react to each other and create a pink glowing portal in the middle of the room. You want to be able to get from one side to the other without falling into the water. 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Walk across the platform of light here and jump down off of it. Link will hold his breath initially, but he soon realizes that he is able to breath underwater. This room is sort of another hub room, like the lobby. Once you are inside the Tower of the Gods head east on the boat using the cruise option. To defeat these enemies you must throw a bomb inside of their mouth. This article is about the item. Climb the … The Tower of Gods in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is the third full dungeon in the game. He will compliment your skill and then offer a new challenge - playing a song on the Wind Waker. The Tower of the Gods is a sacred tall structure that the gods built in order to test the courage of men, where only one can be considered a true hero like the ancient Hero of Time. Place the two statues on the spots, stand on the third and you will activate the elevators in this room. This dungeon is an important turning point in … If it doesn’t remove the armor, try again until it does. Head through the door to the north and kill the two keese inside. Wait for the water to recede, then enter the cage and quickly open the door. Climb the ladder in front of you and use the Grappling Hook to ring the large bell above you. Leave the room. The statue will jump from your hands and take its place on top of another column. The key to defeating the iron-clad fighter is to hit him in the back, where he is not protected by his strong armor. Travel to the right of the room and wait for the water level to go down to reveal a door. You can also hover back with your leaf or do it the old-fashioned way via the platforms. Jump across the platform and go to the north exit. In this room you will meet the first Darknut of the game. Go through the southeastern door while the water is low. You will learn the Command Melody, which will allow you to control statues and people. Guide it across the walkway to the left side of the door. 30 straight minutes of the Tower of the Gods theme from Wind Waker. In this room defeat all four Yellow ChuChus to make a staircase of light appear. Drop down into the gap in the next room and you will find a line of boxes. Defeat them or ignore them, but remember not to touch them. You don't need to be locked on to get the one in the back. It's underneath the south pillar in this room. Subscribe to PBGGameplay! Go through the door in the northwest corner. Go east (right) first and open the door with the glowing emblem. Stream songs including "Tower of the Gods (From "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker… From the spot shown in the picture below (left), float over the barrier with the help of your Deku Leaf. Once the water level raises climb back up to the platform and grab a stick from one of the pots. To get to the exit quickly, just hop into the bottomless pit (if you've got plenty of hearts, that is). Collecting them all won't get you anything special, just background history about Tingle. Use it to walk back into the previous room. Gohdan is the name of the main boss in the Tower of the Gods in The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. Walk to the center of the room and a voice will tell you that you’ve done well, but you are required to accept one final challenge. Ride it up to the door and enter the last remaining treasure chamber. Defeat the electric ChuChus and go through the door. Jump onto the scale to the left and time a bomb throw carefully to blow up the cracked wall to the west. Gohdan’s only other attack is to shoot fire balls out you, which can be avoided by simply running away. Songs:Command Melody. Do it and grab Page 3, then grab the idol and exit the room. Use the Bow to shoot down the Bubbles as well and then grapple over to the side with the statue. Backtrack to the the very first room of the dungeon and head through the northwest door to reach the room where we initially got the compass. Use your Boomerang to rid the room of the bats, then hop down onto the chained platform to the right and go through the east door. They can be rather annoying due to their size and you may take some damage, but they only take one bomb to kill. Press R (or ZR in the Wii U version) to return to Link and cross the gap again with the Grappling Hook. Walk up them and grab the second pillar. GCN. Link will stand still, concentrating on the spell, while you will have full control over the idol with your left analog stick. save. If you are playing the Gamecube version, open the Tingle Tuner and place a bomb here to reveal the chest. Its cheerful and memorable use of color, emotion, and festive and charming music made it beloved by nearly everyone. The Wind Waker Zelda series. A beam of light will shoot down and Gohdan will return to the wall. share. Break the pots here if you need more supplies and then head the door. Get another one so that the weight of the two statues on one side lifts the other platform (and lets you stand on it without it going down). The blue variety will only shoot in a straight line and not home in on you. The statue will take its place on the last column and the three of them will reveal a portal to the top of the tower. Light the two torches on the other side for a small key and then exit the room the way we came in. Use the Command Melody to take control of the statue and cross the bridge to the other side of the gap. The Tower of the Gods (Outside)¶ Now, you have the Master Sword. And about the platform bug in Tower Of Gods...I fixed it by playing that part, and the rest of the Tower Of Gods, in the revision 1943 (without sound). To read the pages, go back to the entrance hall on this floor and find the pages marked as yellow crosses on the GBA map. Hammy places all three pearls, unlocking the Tower of the Gods. Hit the R button to call the idol when you're standing in front of the pedestal, then walk over to the glowing switch. He tells you to find a special item inside the castle and then all will be made clear to you. When you're in the middle, look towards the door (above picture, right). Put a Statue in Place. Grab one of the statues and place it on the glowing spot next to the door. There is another locked door at the end. The west door will unlock. Take out the Kargorok (remember to steal the feather with your Grappling Hook), then approach the blue Beamos. There is another eye switch there you have to shoot. Grab a stick from one of the pots and light it as the water level rises. You’ll come back here a few times. Enemies:Yellow ChuChu, Bubble (Red), Beamos (Red), Beamos (Blue), Darknut, Armos, Wizzrobe, Armos Knight, Gohdan It is the 3rd dungeon in the game. Please help. Use your key to open the locked door on the bottom floor and enter. While carrying the statue, leap onto the moving platform, and then head back through the door to get to the large central room. Climb on top of the block in the middle and hop across to one of the statues on the side. To get it jump off the second platform through Tingle's target into the bottomless pit. Pop up your sail and go to the northeast corner of the dungeon. It's time to take control of your first idol. Win the battle and you will get your hands on the Hero's Bow. Once you're done, grab the idol and leave the room. The room contains two huge Armos Knights. Run out of the way, then throw a Bomb at the head and it'll shatter. Open it for Treasure Chart #6. You have to wait for the water level to be high in order to climb up. Use the Wind Waker (left, center, right, center), and you're in control of the idol. A bridge will appear. Unlock the door with the key you found in the room with the moving platforms and go through. The Tower of the Gods is where the Hero's Bow is found. Blow up the Beamos in the east for a Joy Pendant (if you're having trouble doing this, simply get out a Bomb, walk towards the guard turret and toss the bomb as the statue shoots at you. They have relatively few attacks, and most of them can be avoiding by simply jumping out of the way. Go to the left and place the piece on the cross shaped indentation in the open pagoda. Call the statue down and then use the Command Melody to take control of the statue. But before you use your Grappling Hook, knock the two skulls out of the air with your Deku Leaf. Here is the full guide on how to kill The Tower of the Gods boss. Take out the Bow first and target the eye that is on one of his hands. That was quick, huh? Tackle the two panels in the middle first. The Minecraft Map, Legend of Zelda Wind Waker The Tower of Gods, was posted by nathan795. ... Tower of the Gods. Wind Waker Legend Of Zelda Lava Lamp The One Nerd Tower Floor Hat Statue TWWHD: Skip the first floor in Tower of the Gods Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Wait for the water to lower again and walk out the door straight ahead. Open the chest that appears for a Joy Pendant, and then use the Deku Leaf to fly back over to the door. Locations:Tower of the Gods Jump into the water and climb up the ladder to the left and throw two of the statues onto one of the scales. It will also reveal a stone tablet in the middle of the room. Before you do so, light a wooden stick on the nearby torch. Light the stick on fire and hop across the line of boxes once the water is raised. The statue will jump from your hands and take its place on top of another column. For the game, see The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. If the water lowers before you make it across you can always stop on one of the boxes and continue once it raises again. Use the Boomerang to kill the rats in this room if possible. Press ZR next to the column and the pillar in front of you will lower. Jump across to the southern door and go through it. Jump onto the platform when it draws near and enter through the door to get to the next room. Ride up to the next floor by switching elevators twice. Wait for the platform with the eye switch to arrive, then ride it across the room. Once you reach the next platform open the chest for a small key. Pick up the Heart Container he sneezes out and head up the portal. Throw three of the statues onto the scale that your statue is not on. Kill the Yellow ChuChu here and then hop onto the moving platform to cross the gap. Grapple on to the bar, stop swinging and change direction. While still on the boat, equip your Bombs and fire the cannon at the three wall panels. Hit A quickly and Link will perform a special attack maneuver. You can now fetch the statues and bring them over to the glowing spots on the ground without getting shot at. A treasure chest will appear and the two statues will come to life. After obtaining this, you can now return to the portal of light to continue onto the next area. This will either remove their helmet or remove the armor surrounding their bodies. Instead of heading through the next door you can head back through the eastern door to grab another Joy Pendant. Go back to the portal room and step into the pink glow to go the third floor.
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