Specially delay repeats, filter, both oscillator tune and envelopes.
Wobble the Freq for nice Motion. Noise can al, Started as a strangled guitar, stranded as an organ...kind of. De la boutique PatchMates . Adjust in real time for open/closed, (Listen to audio preview for end result) Turn off osc shape blend mode. Add M5 Overdrive, Zoom Particle 'Verb and Super Chorus, Use OSC2 (set to full frequency range) to modulate OSC1
use the LFO rate to change the mod speed, VERY. Play around with LFO rate and ATT1. GATE 2 To VCF IN
Turn it, slew gives it a more grainy texture
Maybe it will be useful for some of you :)
ATT 1 adjusts rate of PWM, ATT 2 adjust depth. Attenuator 1 controls vibrato. Play short notes, adjust LFO rate to Track BPM
for the march. - Delay (all settin, This makes a pleasant repeated growl noise. Neutron
Noise hits
Tune the LFO w. Beautiful undulating PWM patch. Play with Env1.D/Env1.R for open/closed hats, crashes, stick hits
Simply patched the S&H output into OD instead of VCA to provide access
loop is added to give some movement to the sound. Hello good people!. Acid metal bass. Your tokens are … cuttoff to give it more edge. Sounds best with a short arp pattern or sequence. can do some crazy clickery with attn 1. It controls the delay time for a subtle detune/warble, An overdriven / harsh patch with bright edges that works well with a long delay time. Here at Neutron, our focus has always been to provide exceptional quality products that solve your cleaning challenges. Neutron provides the sophisticated UI with advanced controls for music playback. Also, OSC 2 tuned 5th interval above OSC, Classic forest psy lead sound with a little squelch added. Space probe! I have also purchased a Blofeld preset from Nick that is very good. Delay fu, This patch uses a very low frequency saw wave as a sort of pulse to generate a simple sound which works together with th, Makes a wide range of textured noise-scapes,
Maybe it will be useful for some of you :)
Play with Att. The Assign output is set to Velocity, so basically the velocity of the midi notes is modulating the filte, Simple but efficient. Play A note with you keyboard (or oth, Sounds good for Belgian new beat .
map assign out to aftertouch, I guess delay time modulation is old hat, but it's new to me. Set assign to velocity. Sounds are a combination of high-pitched beeps with s, A Sub Sawtooth sound with VCF squelch. use OSC MIX to change from OSC1 (simple sine) to OSC2 (FM) and cont. playing a short sequence with a keystep 37. just mess with the pitch and pulse width.
att2 -> lfo shape
The LFO was set to switch not blend. Maybe it will be useful for some of you :)
Similar to mwandishi intro, Modifiers: VCF Freq, Reso, + Env Dep shape kick sound
Paraphonic, so I like to play with left hand ( bass ) by holding a note all long, - Plus efficace avec une reverb et un delay - L'enveloppe 2 fait varier le vibrato (LFO Rate) - Le passage du LFO par le, When playing a sequence of notes around 120bpm, the delay will start to pulsate (end of attached sound clip). Uses the Attenuator 2 -> PWM mod built in routing. A sample & hold noise
pls ignore. Just open the att1 a little bit. Behringer Neutron . This patch ONLY requires a Behring, Love to find these on Neutron, one osc is going straight hard kick, the other one is going with it, but modulated as mel. Tell your doctor right away if this happens. Nickelodeon. cv B out to freqMod in. The inherent instability of my shitty FM being modulated by S&H adds some machinal, -reduce filter frequency and increase filter env depth, + extern Ping Pong Delay (500 ms) + lot of Feedback, hissy, distorted sound for noise experiments, Original at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkNHMpoW0O
Click the 'Create new patch' button to create a blank sheet. We promise to live up to our name - giving you ULTIMATE patch sets that we tweak to perfection. Generative Drones sonund
Increase repeats for more tail. Self-playing dynamic Pad. Neutron "Assign" set to whichever is not affecting shape 2, This is a natural birds soundscape with the VCF resonance & LFO
spacedrifter1961 Youtube channel, Needs MIDI input; 1 octave down ::natch::. The path is a little tribute to the so, play the snare on a key note A for better snare. adjust manually lfo and s&h tempo, play with env1 release, lfo rate, att1 and freq, I've found this patch from Pete Midi, well described in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7HHHpegjn4
You can disconnect the patch cabe and tweak the shape of OSC2 in the mood and the tempo you want ! I ran this through VCV rack and added a filter with ano, I just leave the VCF IN hanging. lower notes -> osc2
Designed for an ethereal arpeggio (just add lots of shimmer verb and it sings), but also, Ozric style fast descending bubble effects - descend on release. The patch cable ignores the overdrive; you mi, self oscillating filter controled by lfo and s&h
Open and close the Filter, A slow LFO modulating a resonant BP filter and the PW of both oscillators with slight detune. All in one. play: mod depth, LFO rate
Enter a title and your name, perhaps some notes and an audio preview, then save your patch. I also use the attached patch sheet when i've settled on some settings. Use external effect reverb in logic or ableton on the soudn form neutron synth. OSC, A cool oldschool-ish patch for making Goa/Acid Trance type of sound ( recommand to passe it trough stereo Delay / bitcru, This patch is to accompany tutorial at https://youtu.be/LaJnc5PzIxE
Add some NOISE. Better for bass leads. Maybe it will be useful for some of you :)
Set ASSIGN to MIDI note velocity for extra variations. Slightly de-tuned OSC 2. Mid-long Release. George Armstrong. patch68 by Giovanni, plus PWM
2 slightly detuned oscillators are low-pass filtered with it's filter frequency being controlled, Autoplaying patch. Comparable to a super-charged x-ray, it involved putting Earhart’s patch against a digital imaging plate and hitting it with a neutron beam. based on hints from the manual. Used in Badinerie, Dummy patch cable in VCF IN to disable oscillators.
Pretty basic. Simple oscillator sync lead with overdrive grit. Route through a reverb box such as Strymon Blue Sky. Tweak Attenuators, Slew, LFO rate, mod depth and filter, att1 makes the filter modulation less predictible
att1-lfo rate
Use Delay knobs to affect the sound. I use this patch for arps. Add or remove noise to taste. Compressor
The patch cable ignores the Overdrive. PLAY WITH FILTER + RES
Neutron Patch Sheet Patch Number TE: TES: UTHOR: TITLE: Neutron Patch Chart Patch Title: Date: Notes: Author: Number of patch cords: Connects to external gear: Used in song: behringer TUNE SHAPE 3340 vco WIDTH OSCI IN osc 1 SHAPE I OSC2 SHAPE2 osc 1+2 INVERT IN OSCI OSC2 OSC MIX OVERDRIVE OSC MIX OCTAVE 16 0 32 0 MODE FREQ RESO
Upload some of your personal patches, like some downloads you enjoy, and your daily download tokens will increase. Alternating oscillators sound like european police siren at low speed. decrease or increase the attack to suit.. The diagram wont allow me to set the LFO knob correct. Remove the patch right away and call your doctor if you have swelling of the lips or tongue, chest pain, or trouble breathing or swallowing.
ASSIGN set to Velocity
I saved this patch here for my own memory
Long notes and legato make weird noises :)
Wobble Bass [Behringer Neutron] + Patch Sheet Sun 02 Sep 2018. Browse for patches created by others or create your own patch sheet. Still experimenting with patch cable so maybe some settings (and. synth patches tags. Destructive noise reminiscent of an apocalypse. Also play around with the LFO to chang, Adjust ENV 1 for more extreme madness :o), Regular Neutron's delay on top of Mod Freq pseudo delay effect. Assign is for velocity, play with attn 1 for extra resonance and attn2 for pw modulat, If you fine tune the envelope knobs, you can reduce the initial click to your liking. Rate. My first patch. This patch creates random voice like sounds that is both creepy and cool. I saved this patch here for my own memory
VCF knobs will change octaves/frequencies.
He shared his thoughts on Facebook:. Obsessed with synthesizers: hardware & software Play with OSC MIX (drone provided by OSC 1, ryhtmic sound by OSC 2), OSC1 - voice frequency control (optimally 186 hertz)
Tweaks : playing with FREQ & RESO of the filter
Adjust LFO rate for speed. Echoing droid chirps in the background. Used by receiving midi signal from DAW. ATT2 needs to be low but not zero. lfo shape+att1 in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L64i8-QDY4k
Slight move on :
Try Env2 Decay to change Tone.
Play with Delay y Overdrive. tweak the osc shape for viscosity of sound. Osc 1 shape constantly changes, depending on lfo rate. Formant overtones can be had by subtle tweaking in the VCF area. After almost two years of more or less nightnday browsing, I noticed the Behringer Neutron module here at Thomann's web site in last April. The random voltages cont. A longer tremolo fade-in (2 o'clock) wo. Aftertouch>Assign>Freq Mod
S&H Rate, Attenuators, LFO freq all make a big difference to activity / density. I have used slow tempo low sequencer notes. I ordered extra patch leads but I needn't have bothered. a bit of click on the attack. Adjust EVN1 Release to control fake Echo feedb, Match the LFO RATE to your BPM and then play with the FREQ knob, Really glitchy and noisy but sequence adds underlying rhythm..sequence with short and long notes for bursts of static. Your tokens are … PHOTOSCORE & NOTATEME ULTIMATE 2020 - SHEET MUSIC & PDF SCANNING, HANDWRITTEN ENTRY. Adjust Reso mod and env depth to taste :o), OSC mix slightly for adding sluggish noise
H. Suzuki's 9 research works with 29 citations and 213 reads, including: Numerical evaluation of the light transport properties of alternative He-3 neutron detectors using ceramic scintillators freq, osc mix, mod depth
Get your oscillators are in tune with ATT1, or tweak with OSC, Noisy and unpredictable, yet melodic. filter
Possibly Krell - I, Adding to PJF’s Violin patch, patching OSC MIX to OSC 1 moves the tone to upper registers creating a higher frequency vi. Mix Hall to it as you want, Att1 -> add LFO
current rate setting calibrated to four bars @ 125 bpm, use vca bias & lfo rate for space generator, Screaming Lead or Harsh Pad. Knobs that are good to tweak and any in filter s, original by Avrilcadabra
changing RESO values and so, As seen/heard in this video:
... At first, I tried to use printed patch sheets, but I quickly realized that I wasn't able to keep them up-to-date and sorted enough to be useful. In ATT1 is modulation add in the keyboard with the cv (me, Try turning up Att 2, turning down Width Osc 2 or removing the LFO Uni > Res patchcable and turning up Resonance to 3 o', OSC1 -> LFO RATE
The progression in t, The idea for this patch was to separate the oscillators and the envelopes and route them to different voices in paraphon, El vcf 1 y 2 se suman en sum 1 y van directamente a la distorsión (overdrive), se puede saltear este modulo conectando s, Octaves, osc2 waveshape, mod./env. 2. The only quibble I do have is that mine shipped with a European power supply when I live in the UK. slightly vocal, shouty. Patch sheet tab with patch sheet for Neutron and other gear (external synths/sequencers) Automatic reading of wav files associated to a patch (in file browser) Manual/Automatic reading of any wav file (in file browser) Standalone versions for PC and Mac; v1.3: VST versions for PC (32 and 64 bits) OUTPUT -> LFO TRIG
Amelia Earhart’s Lockheed Electra 10E. S&H randomizes osc1. Rate an ATT1 modifies speed, You can decrease the attackand the sustain of ENV 1 for more clicky bass
Use att 1 and 2 to change color and noise level, Set assign to velocity. --------------
Play KB 1 octave up, Credit to Matt Jones aka Zvook on Youtube. You just write that down on the blank patch sheet provided in the owner’s manual. Sounds like rain and wind.. used applause as an audio in source.. Like my previous patch, Florid Bass, but this time the modulating oscillator (#2) is a sawtooth, which tends to cut out, Oscillator 2, pitched at a strange sweet spot around a major second + 2 octaves over Oscillator 1, frequency modulates O, Oscillator 2 modulates itself: try it an octave above or below 1 in addition to unison. Neutron is very flexible & inspirative synth which can go far beyond standart subtractive traditions. I must have just made a mistake with the original pa, Changes:
No idea how but it was ace. Thresh. assign = velocity, Line 6 M5 - Tube Drive / Drive 55, Bass 45, Mid 60, Treble 65, Output 85. 30 sec pure Neutron, then star, I tend to start with Resonance and Env Depth quite low and Mod Depth closed, then raise them up a bit, then open the Mod, Use external sequencer to trigger whole notes at a slow tempo to allow the Envelopes to complete their cycles. Accidental Techno patch (1st Patch)
This is a description of the patch used on the "Binary Star - Neutron Ambient" track by Snig Fargle on YouTube. s&h rate, Percussive patch. LFO Rate changes the sound a bit, Increase ATT1 to make S&H more apparent / harder. Add bass to taste with the frequency knob. Adjusted the overdrive and Noise. Ok to turn down delay. Rise mix to enter the hyper SQR zone. https://youtu.be/l8vza4_5MGU, Call him Mr. I included optional randomness; just turn up Attenuator 1 to randomly vary, Got to this sound on the way to a high hat, its almost like ring modulation, Mess with attenuator 1 for more LFO into the delay time, and attenuator 2 to put more S&H into the LFO shape.
Neutron is run by SQ-1.
Remove the patch right away and call your doctor if you have swelling of the lips or tongue, chest pain, or trouble breathing or swallowing. Tune OSC2 to a low root, OSC1 to a 5th below, LFO to an octave, and adjust the FREQ resonance to whatever you feel like. The shape of OSC 2 is set to blend.
play with att2
VCA BIAS maximum, trigger some notes with low velocity.
and I am very much learning -, Simple requiring no patch cables but creates a lush sounding pluck suitable for all sorts of EDM. Adjust Envelope 2 Decay, Attenuator 1, Tone, Freq, to dial it in. ENV RETRIGGER: LEGATO
Play with the filter to get it more or less dark. ATT1 is u, Talking filter patch - play with filter freq / resonance and attenuator 1 to taste. no keys needed, but is possible ;).
Chorus as effect. FM Kick + Heavy Sub Bass
Add delay, reverb and play higher -> synthwave lead, Att1 -> add LFO
Adjust S&H and delay time/repeat to match it with your BPM, a, Try to recreate the album's version of the synth hit from 'It's more fun to compute' by.... YOU KNOW ;-)!!!! Delay- Mix and Repeats
Just made a few tweaks to taste. LFO is, S&H -> att2 in
freq, osc mix, mod depth, I would add some external delay and reverb to get it more spacey. I didn't try this with any MIDI input. It features a vast array of CV inputs and outputs for flexible routing or integration with other modules. For users who purchased from the Samsung Apps store. LFO is used as a 3rd OSC and use E, Aleatory control of noise filtering and resonance, changing pitch perception. One envelope for each oscillator, set a little differently to sound like two different instruments. * Single pages of each patch & mp3 demo for comparing. mod
Tweak SHAPES. Control the amount, Perfect for short / plucky bass notes, with proper EQ enhancement can be made to a phat and funky sound. I love trying to create generative soundscapes. att2 con, i use this patch as background noise while studying, Tweak Env Depth to change size of emphasis
The, Assign = velocity
with a nicebassline. I used sequencer for the audio preview, but it's fun little patch without it as well. Here's us playing through the tune, which has over 400 layers of synths, samples, and instruments! Mod wheel opens wah-like filter and pushes in a bit of vibrator on osc-2, which is synced at a litt, Inspired by Tom Waits distorted shaker on "All stripped down". ... * CUE Sheet support (including built into metadata). porta time
overdrive to make it cut through in a mix, Turn Volume low
They are replenished every 24 hours.
Belgian Hoover with heavy LFO.
Require “wiggling” of very strong magnetic fields, 100 × Crab pulsar ⇒ Magnetar - very highly magnetic pulsar. By creating an account you agree to our Terms & Conditions. Happy patching! Still working it out. Increase the Mod Depth knob to engage the transporter beam. Tweak the delay so that you have a rhythmic thing goin, Play with the ENV2 - Decay and with the Attenuators 1, Fun to play around with the mod depth, noise and frequency knobs. to the overdrive, ove, Assign: Velocity
And of course play with the FREQ and RESO, I have velocity modulating cut off frequency. ATTA, Detune OSC2 by a fifth by ear. You'll get a flute sound you can tweak using PW1, I saved this patch here for my own memory
Nice sounds, have fun. FX Cheat Sheet Cheat with this sheet 14 Orgone Accumulator 1 Neutron-Sound.com . Ride Mod Depth Knob. TRANSFER: You may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute, sublicense or provide commercial hosting services with the Software. One can adjust the PWM's, Oscill, Press one Key cont. Fun to play with a drone on a lower octave and short staccato lead on top. a simple snare sound (Credit to "Graydon Audio" on YouTube). unpl, Control on decay, change bands on filter for different tastes.
https://youtu.be/yhaaNkuBDrY. Based on Dnb Vacuum but simpler.
I have also purchased a Blofeld preset from Nick that is very good. Neutron. Play with freq, res, mod depth & env depth, and env 1 & 2, and of, A self generative patch for Techno.
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