michael wolf works
Michael Wolf’s photographs document the architecture and vernacular cultur… Wolf’s body of work, while centering almost exclusively on urban hubs in Asia, captures a universal, rather than city-specific, reality. He addressed the realities of 21st century metropolitan existence, one defined by constant … Stunning and sobering, the photographs of high-rise apartment buildings in Hong Kong by German photographer Michael Wolf reveal his personal fascination with life in mega-cities. In a diverse array of photographic projects, from street views … With city-dwellers framed in states of claustrophobic torment, their anguished faces crushed against the glass pane, the dividing window acts as a literal reinforcement of the commuters’ “otherness”, an ever-present reminder that we are free and they—albeit temporarily—are not. He studied at a public high school, North Toronto Collegiate Institute and went to University of California, Berkeley. Michael Wolf, Works (Berlin: Peperoni, 2017) I edited the text and wrote the introduction for the catalogue to Michael Wolf's first retrospective exhibition. Wolf’s body of work, while centering almost exclusively on urban hubs in Asia, captures a universal, rather than city-specific, reality. The results are visceral, unforgettable, and almost suffocating. He moved to Hong Kong in 1994 where he worked for 8 years … Find the latest shows, biography, and artworks for sale by Michael Wolf (b. Michael Wolf - Works [Michael Wolf] on Amazon.com. With a strong sense of colour and his characteristic genius for composition and abstraction, Wolf captured the density and humanity of urban life through a city’s architecture, and managed to astound the viewer with a fresh perspective, as he had done so brilliantly in Hong Kong with his highly-acclaimed series ‘Architecture of Density’. But cropping out parts of images on Google Street View, ‘photos of photos’ are created that shed a new light on a city in which nearly everything has already been photographed. He looks back on an amazing career. Info Michael Wolf was born on July 19th, 1967 in Zurich and went through schools in La Neuveville and Neuchâtel. Represented by industry leading galleries. Michael Wolf was born on July 30, 1954, in Munich. Michael Wolf is a photographer. Michael Wolf's 20 research works with 324 citations and 620 reads, including: Analytical nonlinear shrinkage of large-dimensional covariance matrices Bringing his unique perspective on changing urban environments to a city renowned for its architectural legacy, Wolf chose to photograph the central downtown area, focusing specifically on issues of voyeurism and the contemporary urban landscape in flux. The photos of the standardized, 100-square-foot apartments reveal human values and the diverse environments that can exist within rigid confines. The work prompts not only a reflection on the discomfort before us, but also a self-reflection on our own position as spectator. Although Wolf called the bastard chairs a "great symbol of the Chinese … Berkeley Electronic Press Selected Works. Verified email at ma.tum.de - Homepage. With intimations of surveillance and vulnerability, these intensely beautiful cityscapes seem austere and inhuman until one lands on a magnified picture of a man giving the distant photographer the finger.’ – Donna Seaman. As Michael Wolff returns to torment Donald Trump, the sword of impeachment dangles more ominously than ever. ‘Paris street view’ deals with the cultural identity of Paris. Michael Wolf looks back on an amazing career. https://monicaking-contemporary.com/artists/78-michael-wolf With an introduction by Ernest Chui and essay by Natasha Egan. Michael Wolf, a notable German photographer and artist who interchangeably works and lives in Paris and Hong Kong; although he was born in Germany, he was raised in America, Canada and Europe. He looks back on an amazing career. Articles Cited by Co ... MM Wolf. Michael Wolf’s photographs document the architecture and vernacular cultures of mega-cities. His “Architecture of Density” series documents building exteriors that have repetitive and symmetric windows. Education: Ph.D., Harvard University A.M., Harvard University J.D., Georgetown University Law Center B.A., Emory University Physical review letters 94 (14), 140601, 2005. His “Architecture of Density” series documents building exteriors that have repetitive and symmetric windows. Michael Wolf - Works He worked and lived in Paris and Hong Kong where he died in April 2019. Given their elegant grids, nuanced variations, and stillness, these images echo the minimalist paintings of Agnes Martin, yet this is the real world, and real people inhabit these immense cellular buildings, these boxy hives, these human filing cabinets, and Wolf’s stealthy, intrusive lens finds them, most often alone contemplating a television or computer. Find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks for sale, the latest news, and sold auction prices. C Schön, E Solano, F Verstraete, JI Cirac, MM Wolf. 206: 2005: Sequential generation of entangled multiqubit states. Michael Wolf is a German photographer based in Hong Kong. For more than 40 years. Michael Wolf is a German-born photographer who captures the claustrophobia of city life through portraits of cramped apartments, unending skyscrapers, and crowded subway cars. View Michael Wolf’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. We therefore encounter their confinement with an uncomfortable detachment, the commuters representing a condition which is real yet simultaneously distant. For more than 40 years. The focus of the German photographer Michael Wolf’s work is life in mega cities. Michael Wolf is a photographer. Michael Wolf’s photographs document the architecture and vernacular cultures of mega-cities. From the beginnings during his studies and the work as a photojournalist to the artistic works of the last 20 years. Presented as large scale, abstracted vistas of Hong Kong’s high-rise apartment buildings, Wolf’s images show the effects of rapid development and complex social dynamics in one of the world’s most densely populated … Wolf's intimate photos capture their misery by focusing in on the details of each face and each train window. View Michael Wolf’s 156 artworks on artnet. In early 2007, the Museum of Contemporary Photography, with the support of U.S. Equities Realty, invited Michael Wolf as an artist-in-residence to document this phenomenon. See available photographs, and prints and multiples … Michael Wolf’s new photobook, The Transparent City, captures both of these aspects nearly perfectly in his recent photographic study of downtown Chicago. Wolf spent literally hundreds of hours at his computer, trolling virtually around the … Wolf began non-editorial photography with a series entitled Bastard Chairs, small chairs that Chinese people would repair repeatedly using whatever materials were available. This article comes from Works That Work magazine, No.1 . By using pixelated images from the internet, he broke through Paris’ nearly universally recognizable photographic iconography and suggested a new way of reading the city. Bruce Silverstein Gallery represents the Estate of Michael Wolf. During his exploration of the city, Wolf discovered the uniqueness and beauty of its zinc roofs. As a photojournalist, as a freelance photographer and for nearly 20 years now as an artist. The lighting is exquisitely moody, each lit interior is a screen or stage, each human figure as poignant as those in the paintings of Edward Hopper, an artist Wolf, acclaimed for his earlier books on China, cites as an influence. His close-up view takes the repetitive facades and colourful palettes out of their architectural context, instead offering urban patterns. Shot from strategically selected rooftops and perfectly printed in an aptly large, vertical book, Wolf’s subtly modulated color photographs are monumental studies in grays, whites, blacks, golds, and occasional splashes of green and blue. Michael Wolf was born in 1954 in Munich, Germany. In July 2017 the first major retrospective with Michael Wolf's works will be opened at the festival in Arles. 1,943 Followers, 3,597 Following, 598 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Michael Wolf (@michael_wolfs_work) German photographer Michael Wolf has given a face to the countless number of factory workers that work tirelessly, under terrible conditions and according to a report on Business Insider, get paid around $240 a month so that you can buy that toy this Christmas. Photojournalism was yet-again re-defined earlier this year when Michael Wolf was awarded an honorable mention in the World Press Photo competition for photographs he took of his computer screen. Under the scrutiny of Michael Wolf's photographic eye, these objects become fascinating installation pieces, while the abstract patterns of the buildings reveal the beauty and order that underlie the apparent chaos of the city. ‘The ground is nowhere in sight in Wolf’s dramatically geometric, nearly abstract photographs of Chicago’s Loop towers. "Using a multitude of perspectives and visual approaches, Michael Wolf captures the energy that flows through the contemporary city. Two people embracing on a busy Paris street, for instance, are a playful reference to Robert Doisneau’s ubiquitous ‘Le Baiser de l’Hôtel de Ville‘ from 1950. Having lived in Hong Kong since the 1990s and having photographed mostly in Asia, Wolf took in his new Parisian surroundings with cautious curiosity, making a conscious decision to stay away from the quintessentially Parisian sights that adorn travel books. Thought-provoking texts by Kenneth Baker and Douglas Young explore the choices that people make of lifestyle, form, function, identity, and design, as well as the notion of Hong Kong as a brand. The focus of Michael Wolf’s work is life in mega-cities. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 1954). Photographs from the series were published in a 2002 book entitled Sitting in China. Lives and works in Munich, Germany. Michael Wolf. He focuses on life in megacities, and many of his projects document the architecture and the vernacular culture of metropolises. Please send me further details about this artwork, pricing, and availability. Quantum Information Theory Mathematical Physics. Someone described this work as “Hopper meets Blade Runner,” and I might add a third reference: Hitchcock’s Rear Window. His “Hong Kong Inside Out” series, for example, comprises interior photographs of Hong Kong’s oldest housing complex. I am interested in learning more about this piece. Technische Universität München. More recently, voyeurism has emerged as a central theme of Wolf’s works. Many of his projects document the architecture and the vernacular culture of metropolises. The photographic series Architecture of Density is one of Michael Wolf’s most renowned bodies of work, demonstrating his sustained exploration of life in mega-cities. Limited-Edition Prints by Leading Artists. Wolf, who studied under Otto Steinert and previously worked as a photojournalist, seeks to explore how people adapt to and connect with rapidly changing environments. In these photographs, the structures appear as abstract designs, their scale skewed and true function masked. Michael Wolf is a German-born photographer who captures the claustrophobia of city life through portraits of cramped apartments, unending skyscrapers, and crowded subway cars. This was Wolf's first body of work to address an American city. Michael has 6 jobs listed on their profile. Michael Wolf's 15 research works with 181 citations and 390 reads, including: Spillover of Early Extubation Practices From the Pediatric Heart Network Collaborative Learning Study with the aid of Google Street View technology, Wolf investigated the concept of representation and symbolism. Both his parents were artists: His mother painted and did pottery, ... Mr. Wolf at an exhibition of his work in London in 2017. Wolf grew up in Canada, Europe and the United States, studying at UC Berkeley and at the Folkwang school with Otto Steinert in Essen, Germany. Wolf investigated new perspectives on urban life and its structure in the digital age. Chicago, like many urban centers throughout the world, has recently undergone a surge in new construction, grafting a new layer of architectural experimentation onto those of past eras. Michael Wolf Born in Munich, Michael Wolf grew up in Canada, Europe, and the United States, studying at UC Berkeley and under Otto Steinert at the Folkwang School in … • Siege: Trump Under Fire is published by Little Brown (£20). The politics of looking, and in particular looking upon others’ suffering, sits at the core of Wolf’s candid photographic series. 1954), How 12 Artists Are Proving that a Picture is Worth 1,000 Words, Discover, buy, and sell art by the world’s leading artists, To download, scan this code with your phone’s camera. Articles Featuring Michael Wolf (b. Michael Wolff is a designer and creative designer with fifty years of experience, an open mind and a network of talent. He then studied Construction Management at the Engineering College of Fribourg, Building Technology & Energy at the Engineering College of Neuchâtel and Entrepreneurship at the University of Neuchâtel. Michael Wolf's Architecture of Density project transforms Hong Kong's ubiquitous high-rise architecture into stunning works of art.Photo: Michael Wolf As a photojournalist, as a freelance photographer and for nearly 20 years now as an artist. Recognised as one of the world's most experienced practitioners, Michael has been involved in the design and repositioning of some of the most iconic identities which include: Bovis and its hummingbird, Audi, VW, 3i, Renault, BP, the Labour Party's rose, Citigroup, … Whereas prior series have juxtaposed humanizing details within the surrounding geometry of the urban landscape, in The Transparent City, his details are fragments of life–digitally distorted and hyper-enlarged–snatched surreptitiously via telephoto lenses. Michael Wolf's 11 research works with 128 citations and 1,119 reads, including: Power from Benthic Microbial Fuel Cells Drives Autonomous Sensors and Acoustic Modems The show will then be presented at ›The Hague Museum of Photography‹, further venues will follow. Having lived there for several years, Wolf began to document Hong Kong’s extreme development and complex urban dynamics, and how these factors play into the relationships between public and private space, anonymity and individuality, in one of the most densely populated cities on the planet. Michael Wolf Works Photographs by Michael Wolf. The focus of the german photographer Michael Wolf’s work is life in mega cities. Many of his projects document the architecture and the vernacular culture of metropolises. Wolf reports that the police detained him twice during the photographing of the series for "doing something which was harmful to the Chinese state." MICHAEL WOLF WORKS is the big book with excerpts from all the important works from more than four decades. Additionally, two anthologies of works by other authors set in the Moorcock multiverse have been published Michael Moorcock’s Elric: Tales of the White Wolf (1994) ISBN 1-56504-175-5; Pawns of Chaos: Tales of the Eternal Champion (1996) ISBN 1-56504-933-0; The Elric saga has also been adapted for comics and graphic novels several times: Michael Wolf's best photograph: four plucked ducks in Hong Kong Read more Though seldom commented on by art critics, there was a political undertone to Wolf’s work. It is a dynamic that is disquietingly symbiotic—our spectatorship depends on their objectification, our agency on their entrapment. Michael Wolfe, PE Assistant City Manager / Director of Public Works / City Engineer at City of Moreno Valley Orange County, California Area 377 connections Michael Wolf: Works serves as a survey of the artist's career and accompanies his Life in Cities traveling museum retrospective exhibition.Works examines life in the layered urban landscape, addressing juxtapositions of public and private space, anonymity and individuality, history and modern development. The dark back alleys that crisscross the city are home to objects that, at first glance, seem to be discarded—the random detritus of the man-made world. As a photojournalist, as a freelance photographer and for nearly 20 years now as an artist.
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