Alkuvuodesta 2020 Farantoúri ja saksalais-israelilainen tenori Assaf Kacholi järjestivät konserttikiertueen useissa Saksan ja Itävallan kaupungeissa vieraillen teemalla Mauthausen Cantata and other songs of humanity. Takis Farazis on piano and David Lynch on winds. Oktober 2020. Maria Farantouri - Livekonzert in Salzburg. March 7, 2020 07.03.2020 • 13:03 Respected Greek singers Elli Paspala and Maria Farantouri will appear together on the stage of Pireos 131 for Paspala’s last concert of the season dedicated to jazz music. The internationally renowned Greek singer Maria Farantouri is coming to Cyprus for a concert for the Society of Social Welfare of Agioi Omologites. Asteris Kutulas TERMINE Hamburg, Markthalle – 23. Maria Farantouri and Assaf Kacholi take us on a path through the world of poetry and song. Αφιέρωμα του Φεστιβάλ Παξών στον Ιρλανδό ποιητή και συγγραφέα Brendan Behan. 07.07.2020, Ελλάδα, Παξοί Ιρλανδικά Φτερά IV – Ένας Όμηρος. Slogan viittaa tammikuussa 2020 vietettyyn keskitysleirien vapautumisen 75-vuotisjuhlapäivään. A path that leads to the heart. Two great singers, Maria Farantouri from Greece and the Israeli tenor Assaf Kacholi, make their first Australian tour together. Große Universitätsaula der Universität Salzburg am Max-Reinhardt-Platz im Festspielbezirk. Wie macht man Zuversicht? Lieder, die Geschichte schrieben. Maria Farantouri (Greek: Μαρία Φαραντούρη), born in Athens on 28 November 1947 is a Greek singer. She is married to the poet and former politician Tilemachos Chytiris. Their songs tell of love and passion, of melancholy and gaiety, of courage and sorrow, of war and of true peace. Under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Cyprus Mr Nikos Anastasiadis. Januar 2020 Dresden, Staatsschauspiel – 26. Mit Maria Farantouri und Assaf Kacholi können wir erleben, dass das Lied immer wieder Antwort gibt. Monday, March 16, 2020 at 20:00 at the Strovolos Municipal Theater. Wie geht jetzt Hoffnung? Januar 2020 Düsseldorf, Tonhalle – 24. Songs full of strength and humanity, which have traveled the world. Achilleas Kostoulis)", "I … *Greek performer Maria Farantouri Stream songs including "Ti Romiosini Min Ti Kles (feat. Listen to Maria Farantouri Sings Mikis Theodorakis by Μαρία Φαραντούρη on Apple Music. Maria Farantouri - Ithaki - 23-10-2011 - 1 Ourania - Sunset - Seagull 18.20 Maria Farantouri - Ithaki - 7 Lucio Dalla/Lucio Dalla Maria Farantouri - Oi Megaliteres Epitichies Tis - 2002 23-10-2011 - 1 Januar 2020. 15. Maria Farantouri was an elected member of the Greek Parliament from 1989 to 1993 representing the Panhellenic Socialist Movement. This great musical event allows us to discover two singers with very different personalities, who have come together in the world of music.
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