#* Scene where Hitler pats his dog [[Blondi]] #* Scene where they are smoking inside He can survive a head-on attack from the Death Star, attack from Hitler's Pencil of Doom and Mass Destruction, being launched into space (and returning to Earth safely), being cooked and almost eaten alive by Goering, getting shot by Burgdorf's Magnificent Gun, and even getting shot multiple times by Chuck Norris himself (although he was wearing his bullet-proof Fegel-Armor). #* Scene where Peter sees a woman with a gas mask pushing a stroller Both weapons are mentioned in "Fegelein in Stalingrad". * * - Scenes only in extended edition #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ijjn3zinnvo mf] 605 likes. [12][29] After first failing to find a distributor, the film was eventually released on September 16 in Germany by Constantin Film. Während draußen die Lage immer mehr eskaliert und die Rote Armee weiter vorrückt, erlebt Hitler den Untergang des Dritten Reiches … August 1935 der SS-Verfügungstruppe bei und baute nach Kriegsbeginn die SS-Totenkopf-Reiterstandarte auf. [23][24], During production, Hirschbiegel believed that Hitler would often charm people using his personality, only to manipulate and betray them. His ability to commit surreal antics, such as by manipulating space-time, as well as creating his own tools for antics, makes it evident that Fegelein has highly advanced knowledge in chemistry, all forms of engineering, Newtonian physics, and quantum mechanics. Said soldier dared him to pull antics on Hitler himself. Claim Authorship Edit History. [26][27] In the DVD commentary, Hirschbiegel said that the events in the film were "derived from the accounts, from descriptions of people" in the bunker. Fegelein! In his office, Hitler talks to Minister of Armaments Albert Speer about his scorched earth policy. Hitler also believed she is the person whom Fegelein inherited his nasty genes from. At one point, he, as seen in "Hitler Plays Left 4 Dead 2", offers to heal Hitler, only for the latter to smack him with a cricket bat. To lighten the mood, Lara's colleagues engaged in activities such as football, while Ganz tried to keep a happy mood by retiring during shooting breaks.[19]. In the streets, Hitler Youth child soldier Peter Kranz's father approaches his son's unit and tries to persuade him to leave. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?bjzmynknyz0 mf (Bormann)] Reception of Downfall", "The Downfall - Interview: Oliver Hirschbiegel ⢠Director", "Alexandra Maria Lara über ihr Gefühls-Chaos", "Das Böse kann niemals eindimensional sein", "Controversial Hitler Film Opens Across Germany", "Film showing Hitler's soft side stirs controversy", "The Last Days of Hitler: Raving and Ravioli", "German film on Hitler's demise a box office hit", "The 100 Best Films Of World Cinema â 48. [55] Some have supported the film: Hans-Jürgen Syberberg, director of Hitler: A Film from Germany, felt the time was right to "paint a realistic portrait" of Hitler. Himmler and Fegelein: An unholy alliance. [9][10] When writing the screenplay, he used the books Inside the Third Reich (1969), by Albert Speer,[11] one of the highest-ranking Nazi officials to survive both the war and the Nuremberg trials; Hitler's Last Days: An Eye-Witness Account (1973), by Gerhard Boldt;[12] Das Notlazarett unter der Reichskanzlei: Ein Arzt erlebt Hitlers Ende in Berlin (1995) by Ernst-Günther Schenck; and Soldat: Reflections of a German Soldier, 1936â1949 (1992) by Siegfried Knappe as references. ## FFOD #[[Peter returns home]] Peter, who destroyed two enemy tanks and will soon be awarded a medal by Hitler, calls his father a coward and runs away. #*Scene where Hitler breaks his pencil Fegelein predictably survives said curse and tells Hitler his skill in magic is way beyond Hitler's novice level magic, implying Fegelein has practiced magic for a while. Werner is much more quiet in his depiction. Hermann Fegelein, né le 30 octobre 1906 à Ansbach et mort fusillé le 28 avril 1945 à Berlin, est un général SS allemand (SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS), criminel de guerre et acteur de la Shoah en tant que responsable de massacres de Juifs sur le front de l'Est dès 1941 à la tête de la brigade de cavalerie SS.. En 1925, Fegelein rejoint un régiment de … Die Führungsriege der Nazis um Adolf Hitler hat sich in einen Bunkerkomplex zurückgezogen. Himmler bragging about his protégé's triumphs in antics during an autograph session. #* Scene begins with Speer talking to Goebbels children She appeared in The Bunker of Terror [citation needed] along with a few of her friends, as she helped her older cousin in sabotaging Hitler's vacation in Los Angeles. #[[Haase, Flegel and Schenck meet Hitler]] La Chute (Der Untergang) est un film allemand réalisé par Oliver Hirschbiegel et sorti en 2004.Le film évoque les événements et circonstances liés à la mort d'Adolf Hitler et à ses derniers jours, durant la bataille de Berlin en avril 1945. ", Fegelein Prepare his Antic Rocket Launcher for incoming Hitlercopter, Hitler and Fegelein's all out war between their factions. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?nrjxdzloiea mf] Der Untergang triumfere med en både stærk og kompetent rollebesætning, der levere en skræmmende troværdig personskildringer af det 3. riges bizarre persongalleri. The film stars Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Lara, Corinna Harfouch, Ulrich Matthes, Juliane Köhler, Heino Ferch, Christian Berkel, Alexander Held, Matthias Habich, and Thomas Kretschmann. Hitler Parody Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. ⦠#*Scene with Hitler crying Fegelein tries persuading Eva, his sister-in-law, to leave Berlin with Hitler, but she dismisses him. In addition, he has the Fegel-Panzer. Born Hirschbiegel decided to limit the use of CGI, props and sets so as not to make the set design look like that of a theatre production,[17] explaining: The only CGI shot that's been used in the film was the one with the Reichstag because of course we could not reconstruct thatâthat's the only thing. MHXDownfall's parodies suggested that Fegelein created "anticological weapons" - which were modified (and enhanced) German weapons of WWII. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?bjzmynknyz0 mf] #[[Original Bunker Scene]] [6] Eichinger was inspired to begin the filmmaking process after reading Inside Hitler's Bunker: The Last Days of the Third Reich (2002) by historian Joachim Fest. In real life, those who were close to Fegelein actually nicknamed him. It was also known that Fegelein had a few other relatives besides Hitler as well as his immediate family. #[[Hitler's generals discusses and Burgdorf gets angry]] ''(Bunker Scene 3, pt2)'' #[[Traudl, Gerda and Constanze wake up to artillery fire]] ^ #*Scene where Goebbels dashes through the crowd and then stares at himself in the mirror #[[Magda Gives the Children the Drink]] #[[Schenck and Müller around a bonfire]] #* Scene with an outside view of the [[Fuhrerbunker]] #* Scene begins with Goebbels children playing tag blindfolded Pissing off HitlerPulling antics on peopleBeing a womanizerHis apparent immortality Hitler imagines more ways for Germany to turn the tide. Peter's unit is defeated and he runs back to his parents. Country: Austria, Germany, Italy Genre: Historical Drama, War Drama Synopsis. You feel the cardboard. Both are shown to be playful, carefree, or splunky. #[[Fegelein's Arrest Scene]] Der Untergang (conocida como El hundimiento en España o La caída en Hispanoamérica) es una película alemana de drama bélico estrenada en 2004, dirigida por Oliver Hirschbiegel y escrita por Bernd Eichinger.Está basada en los libros El hundimiento: Hitler y el final del Tercer Reich, del historiador Joachim Fest, y en Hasta el último momento: la secretaria de Hitler … #[[The Goebbels children sing to Hitler]] [38], Reviews for the film were often very positive,[39] despite debate surrounding the film from critics and audiences upon its release (see #Controversy). Separate multiple file descriptions with a HTML break (). #[[Battle Scenes]] (third part - Mohnke) Your kindness makes me happy~", "You committed another antic, didn't you? #[[Schenck in the Hospital]] T さんのコレクション. The film was released in 2004 by Constantin Film AG and was directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel. Thomas Kretschmann #[[Mohnke talks to Goebbels]] #* Scene with "FEGELEIN! #SCENE ID Fegelein has quite a few lines in the film: In some other scenes, such as the Original Bunker Scene, Fegelein is shown but has no lines. #* Scene with [[Fegelein]], [[Keitel]], [[Jodl]], [[Krebs]] and Burgdorf in the anteroom #:[http://www.mediafire.com/?hzxkkc5h223bkfm mf] Jun 10, 2017 - Explore Emmett James's board "Der Untergang (Downfall) and Inglorious basterds" on Pinterest. Originally Portrayed By. Der … #* Scene with Schenck, Mohnke, Günsche, Hewel and Stehr in a holdout It is set during the Battle … The film is ⦠#* Scene where Goebbels weeps Goebbels declares that Germany will not surrender as long as he is alive. Creatures affiliated with him, or resembling him also tend to use this prefix. #[[Hitler Youth Artillery Scene]] Fegelein. Rather than berate Fegelein for what he did, Himmler expressed his admiration for Fegelein's ability to commit antics. Principal photography took place from September to November 2003, on location in Berlin, Munich, and in Saint Petersburg, Russia. #* Scene with [[Wilhelm Mohnke|Mohnke]] pointing on a map Allies [54] The film was also seen as controversial because it was made by Germans instead of British or American filmmakers. His action impresses Hitler, who promotes him to oversee all of Berlin's defences. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?683ewpjswasw89w mf] Fegelein (do I have to mention it again?) #[[Mohnke talks to Hitler]] #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?gjjt2zty0lg mf (full)] (includes Hitler-Speer Chatting scene) Downfall (German: Der Untergang) is a dramatic film from 2004 recounting the last days of Nazi Germany as the Red Army closes in on Berlin, when Adolf Hitler and the senior Nazi leadership that remained at his side waited around to die.. Fegelein: Ich bin nicht in die Bunkeranlage. Fegelein was married once and had an affair before he was executed. Gender [17], According to Eichinger, the film's overlying idea was to make a film about Hitler and wartime Germany that was very close to historical truth, as part of a theme that would allow the German nation to save their own history and "experience their own trauma". A dare he readily accepted. *'''yt''' - YouTube Which, obviously, makes Hitler a prominent user of this prefix. Downfall character Nach Auflösung der Landespolizei trat Fegelein am 5. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qsgg3zb94uwbrcf mf (Eva)] Fegelein is a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. SomethingPerson. Login with Facebook Created by AceIdimbite. Unlike most of those who commit antics and acquire their tools from antic dealers, Fegelein prefers to make his tools himself. See more ideas about downfall movie, war movies, movies. That’s all you really need to know. My name is Fegelein, The king of Antics and welcome to my page of anticipating pain and suffering of antic after antic. Film je zasnovan na istoimenom bestseleru Joahima Festa, kao i na memoarima diktatorove sekretarice Traudi Junge. #[[Peter Kranz in the bomb shelter]] *^ Meanwhile, Hitler's companion Eva Braun holds a party in the Reich Chancellery. Antic Master #* Scene with Hitler entering and exiting the situation room [31] On its broadcast in the UK, Channel 4 marketed it with the strapline: "It's a happy ending. Fegelein placing an order with an antic dealer. Fegelein has a vice for being promiscuous. #* Scene where Hitler's hand is visibly trembling Separate multiple scene IDs with spaces. #[[Hitler meets Greim and Reitsch]] % #[[Hitler instructs Günsche]] ''(Bunker Scene 4, pt2)'' Hans Georg Otto Hermann Fegelein hitler, downfall, fegelein, adolf hitler, der untergang, bruno ganz, fegelein! In den Straßen der Hauptstadt tobt der Häuserkampf. The film is a German-Austrian-Italian co-production. Hitler refuses, leading Grawitz to kill himself and his family. The main character of the film, and therefore, a protagonist. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mon2mgm1m3y mf (with execution)] #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?fa7ksaduo1inff1 mf] Hitler becomes enraged at what he sees as an act of betrayal and launches into a furious tirade, stating that everyone has failed him and denouncing his generals as cowards and traitors, before finally acknowledging that the war is lost, but that he would rather commit suicide than leave Berlin. [40][30][49] The portrayal sparked debate in Germany due to publicity from commentators, film magazines, and newspapers,[25][50] leading the German tabloid Bild to ask the question, "Are we allowed to show the monster as a human being?". Level 5 Hitler Is Informed Level 2 Learn these words ... Wir können den Gruppenführer Fegelein nirgendwo finden. #:[http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?12ihnn21y5y mf] Himmler and Fegelein at the garage is a scene in Downfall, which is used quite often in parodies. Hitler celebrated by shooting Fegelein personally, despite knowing that he wouldn't be killed, and that he will return again as usual[4]. Fegelein is shown to create more physically harming antics (e.g. The U.S. Whilst being one of the best Antic Masters around, his skills in close combat seem somewhat less impressive. [27], Downfall premiered at the Toronto Film Festival on September 14, 2004. I'm very proud of that, because if you do a war movie, you cannot do that and build sets. Textile Embed. #[[Hitler Phone Scene]] Producer and screenwriter Bernd Eichinger wanted to make a film about Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party for 20 years but was, at first, discouraged after its enormity prevented him from doing so. #[[Goebbels crying scene]] Fegelein patiently waiting for an antic to commence. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?wsd5fzdcuntfw0j mf] Der Untergang – Çöküş işleyişi hakkında çok fazla bilgi vermek istemiyorum, 2004 yapımı olmasına rağmen henüz izlemeyenler olabilir. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?onmodnwzdm2 mf (standalone)] The real Hermann Fegelein: just as sly as his Downfall counterpart. Once he fled the bunker, the place he took refuge was a. Fegelein was executed even though Adolf Hitler did not order it and even before he is to see Fegelein. #[[Schenck and Haase operating]] * #* Scene with [[Traudl Junge|Traudl]] passing a folder to [[Martin Bormann|Bormann]] This implies that Fegelein is merely a tool in a larger game of antics, possibly under the watchful eye of Himmler. Everyone intelligent knows that evil comes along with a smiling face. [16] Eichinger replied to the response from the film by stating that the "terrifying thing" about Hitler was that he was human and "not an elephant or a monster from Mars". #[[Hitler, Grawitz and Günsche]] ([[Hitler Reviews Scene|Reviews]] / [[Günsche informs Hitler|Informed]] / [[Pros and Cons with Adolf Hitler|Pros and Cons]]) It also forms the basis of Hitler … "[20], Cristina Nord from Die Tageszeitung criticized the portrayal, and said that though it was important to make films about perpetrators, "seeing Hitler cry" had not informed her on the last days of the Third Reich. [48], Hitler biographer Sir Ian Kershaw wrote in The Guardian that the film had enormous emotive power, calling it a triumph and "a marvellous historical drama". Directed by: Oliver Hirschbiegel. 1 In Downfall 2 In Parodies 3 Transcript (in German) 4 Triva 5 Gallery In the garage Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Fegelein, are gossiping about Hitler. Fegelein being dragged from bed to go to school. "[32], Downfall sold nearly half a million tickets in Germany for its opening weekend and attracted 4.5 million viewers in the first three months. #* Scene Goebbels and Weidling getting into an argument Uses his antics to take down the Hitler Parodies and Fegelein. Scrapbooker & Media Bus Boy . #*Scene with Gunsche running down the hallway #* Peter Kranz encountered someone's hand sticking out of the rubble beside him and quickly gets up and runs away #*Scene where Peter Kranz meet his parents who are taking shelter #[[Speer's last conversation with Hitler]] The Greatest in the Reich. *There can only be one line for scene ID and file description. Hitler receives a message from Luftwaffe chief Hermann Göring, requesting state leadership. Although the most parodies shows Fegelein as Hitler's major adversary, Hitler never had anything against Fegelein in the actual movie (until he committed his "Fahnenflucht", desertion). Tukhachevsky is mostly cooler and more warlike in the parodies. ピン: 18 件. Hitler Parody ~総統閣下シリーズ~ The Greatest in the Reich. #* Scene where Traudl is struggling to walk in a tunnel and Gerda helps her walk #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?cuk0cuv6ms6506h mf] *Scene description Heldigvis … Ditto, being objected the rank of Master by Mace Jodl. #* Scene where an artillery shell fell near a well #[[Eva talking on the phone with Fegelein]] Ganz veksler iminent fra de ukrontrollerede hysteriske raseri udbrud, til at synke dybt ind i sig selv, totalt tabt for omverden. *Current restrictions in implementation requires that you group all the descriptions and links contiguous (i.e. He confronted the antic master and attempted to kill him with the normally lethal Avada Kedavra. #[[Hitler Suicide Scene]] #*In extended edition, scene where Peter shoots a Soviet soldier #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?578lvayhwqf2hy0 mf] Fegelein during his days as a U.S. Army Ranger; especially, on the 2nd. #* Scene which ends with the room being hit by an artillery shell, and everyone runs down the hallway [clarification needed][61][58], Hirschbiegel spoke positively about these parodies in a 2010 interview with New York magazine, saying that many of them were funny and a fitting extension of the film's purpose. For download links, the text displayed denotes where the scene download is available in: Later, Himmler's adjutant Hermann Fegelein also attempts to persuade Hitler to flee, but Hitler insists that he will win or die in Berlin. #[[Goebbels Rants Scene]] Fegelein is … Downfall (2004) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Fegelein, when not occupied pulling antics on Hitler, works part-time as a video-game console designer; he designs the FegelStation series and introduces them to Hitler... as a token of apology for the antics and without pulling one on Hitler. #[[Soldiers deliver gasoline to the bunker]] #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?7a5881jvdkboi81 mf (+Goebbels weeping)] #[[Schenck's conversation with Stehr and Hewel]] #[[Himmler and Fegelein at the garage]] ([[garage]]) #[[Epilogue]] (final scene) ^ He also thought it was "impossible" to show the "misery" and "desperation" of the concentration camps cinematically. #; Montage with music #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3c4x2mv9xxs7d3j mf] However, he once said in a parody that he was "just a pawn in the great antic system". #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?idex8xbrhcb5772 mf] "[37] On Metacritic, the film was awarded the "Must-See" badge, holding a weighted average of 82 out of 100 based on 35 reviews, indicating "universal acclaim". #* The singing Goebbels children make a brief appearance in the hallway Fegelein! #[[Hitler's Farewell Scene]] Zu ihnen gehört auch Traudl Junge, seine Privatsekretärin, die ihn nicht im Stich lassen will. SS-Gruppenf?hrer Hermann Fegelein: Oh, great! Both had a daughter who outlived them by many years. Fegelein! Fegelein ist der Nachname von: Hermann Fegelein (1906–1945), deutscher Soldat und Offizier der Waffen-SS; Waldemar Fegelein (1912–2000), Soldat und Offizier der Waffen-SS, Bruder von Hermann Fegelein; Dies ist eine Begriffsklärungsseite zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe. #[[Traudl's last chat with Eva]] ^ However, he does display impressive abilities in sword fighting and unarmed martial arts against Goebbels in Der Disneygang, implying Hitler is just too strong an opponent to defeat in direct combat, despite Fegelein being a somewhat competent fighter. Fegelein has been portrayed by many other people besides Thomas Kretschmann in Downfall, which include: Hitlerjugend: Inge Dombrowski • Peter Kranz, Hitler, pretty much everybody else in the bunker, ―Herman Fegelein on answer, given to Burgdorf, ―Hitler ranting after Fegelein committed an antic. #* Scene where [[Hitler]] is seen walking into a room #*Scene where Peter runs from approaching Soviet troops #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?omjr94xtyomr8xy mf (full)] Every day there is an opportunity for antics. #* Scene where Mohnke and another soldier run across the road, and Mohnke stops to carry the soldier when he gets hurt. Fegelein. At the time, Himmler himself was in a war of antics with none other than the Führer of the Reich, Adolf Hitler. It later received a wide theatrical release in Germany under its production company Constantin Film. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?r6kp4xuqh5gsxub mf] Textile Embed. He also assumed command of the SS Cavalry Brigade and the 8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer. #: [http://www.mediafire.com/?7n9300ykh88u26j mf (breakthrough set)] #: [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?xdbh98zid8c6ejp mf] Fegelein! He is not in the bunker. #[[Hitler's secretarial interview]] Oktober 1906 in Ansbach; 29. use of other media sharing websites are discouraged, and if ever used, a 2-4 letter abbreviation should be made up. He used to be best friends with his master, Dolfy-wan Kenobi.
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