coronavirus uni greifswald
The University of Greifswald is located in Northern Germany with 10,000 students and is one of the oldest universities in Europe. (Voraussetzungen: you attended in the two days prior to the first signs of illness or prior to having the test taken. All teaching at the University of Greifswald shall only be provided in digital formats as of 14/12/2020 onwards, with the exception of: As of Thursday, 14/01/2021, onwards, the Central University Library will be open every day from 9.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. And, as of Monday, 18/01/2021, onwards, the Departmental Library on the Loefflerstraße Campus will be open again every day from 9.00 a.m. - 10.00 p.m. How can I protect myself and others from contracting the novel coronavirus? People vaccinated up to and including 15 February 2021. Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs for members of the university community, last revised 10/02 ... Uni Greifswald Facilities A-Z; A printed confirmation of an examination registration or similar must be shown to the guard at the foyer. Das Robert Koch Institut veröffentlicht täglich aktuelle Informationen u.a. Updates coronavirus. Ständig aktualisierte Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen zum Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 können Sie sich auf der Webpräsenz des Robert-Koch-Instituts erlesen. The infection protection measures taken by the Federal and State reporting chain (last revised 18/08/2020). What are the current regulations with regard to the continuation of teaching and the remaining examinations of winter semester 2020/21? Wenn Sie Sorgen wegen vorheriger Kontakte zu bestätigten oder unbestätigtem Fall haben, aber keine Symptome verspüren, ist das örtliche Gesundheitsamt zuständig. Weiterhin werden Patienten nach ihrer zentralen Bezugsperson gefragt. Sie Kontakt zu einem bestätigten oder unbestätigtem Fall bis max. Was eigentlich normal sein sollte: Husten Sie keine anderen Menschen an, wenn Sie erkältet sind, sondern halten Sie sich ihren Arm vor den Mund. The Rectorate will also inform you via email if any important changes have been made or any important information has been added. : +49 3834 420 3402 kowisekr uni-greifswald de. Which situations must I report to the Crisis Team? Information on the novel coronavirus SARS CoV 2 [de]Information from the Robert Koch-Institute [de]Information from the Federal Ministry of HealthInformation page about the coronavirus pandemic provided by Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Government [de]Information for tertiary education institutions, students and research institutions [de]Travel information from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Recommendations from the Robert Koch Institute for what to do if you test positive for COVID-19 or suspect you have been infectedRecommendations for self-isolation and quarantine after exposure to COVID-19 issued by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, University of GreifswaldDomstraße 1117489 Greifswald, Tel. Members of teaching staff whilst teaching classes/courses if it is possible for them to keep a minimum distance of 3m between themselves and the participants; Members of staff who are in an office by themselves; Members of staff, who work in offices with two workstations, as long as there is a minimum distance of 1.5m between the workstations and the rooms are aired on a regular basis; if more than 2 persons are in an office or other room at any time, they must wear a face covering; Persons who are unable to cover their noses and mouths due to a medical or psychological impairment or a disability, and are able to prove this with a suitable medical certificate (. Nach allem, was bisher bekannt ist, sind die Übertragungswege ganz genau so wie bei der bekannten Grippe, also der Influenza. Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 12 17489 Greifswald Tel. De aantallen zijn gebaseerd op onder andere de informatie van Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie WHO en ECDCEuropean Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Questions and answers related to working from home, childcare, cancellation of holiday etc. Het coronavirus SARSsevere acute respiratory syndrome-CoVcoronavirus-2 veroorzaakt de ziekte COVID-19. What can I do? Darf ich meine Angehörigen auf der Station besuchen? Fußball-Liga der EMAU Greifswald Für Patienten der Universitätsmedizin Greifswald gibt es ab sofort vier klar definierte Zugänge. 10.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.) or via email to corona obscureAddMid() kreis-vg obscureAddEnd() de Alternatively, please contact your general practitioner. Bei vielen ist das Immunsystem durch die Therapie vollständig außer Kraft gesetzt. Contact Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Dean: Prof. Dr. Gerald Kerth. De ziekte kan een ernstige longontsteking veroorzaken, waar soms ook mensen aan overlijden. Are guided tours being provided by the Kustodie (University Collections)? So schützen Sie Andere. What should I do? From corona (“crown-like circle of light appearing around the sun”) +‎ virus. If private or work vehicles are to be used for work-related travel, please observe the following regulations: Sessions of university bodies may only be held via video conference until further notice. for applications, admissions to studies) can be found, Persons taking part in courses taught on site, in sessions held by University bodies etc. Persons who have permanent authorisation for work-related travel must independently consider the above-named criteria when planning travel and make a dutiful decision at their own discretion. 2nd SARS-CoV-2 quarantine regulations for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern [de], District of Vorpommern-Greifswald’s travel information [de]. Am I permitted entry to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and when do I have to go into quarantine? Sofern Sie symptomfrei sind, dürfen Sie Blut spenden gehen. Which reporting chain or which measures have been determined if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 at the University? Coronavirus (latin Orthocoronavirinae), forkortet form CoV, er en underfamilie af virus.Underfamilien tilhører familien Coronaviridae, som er en del af ordenen Nidovirales.Coronavirus har det største genom af alle RNA-virus og er 8-10 gange større end poliovirus og har været kendt siden 1930'erne. It is not possible to return to the University until the quarantine period has ended and there has been no further signs of illness for 48 hours. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Crisis Team (also possible by calling: Please inform the University's Coronavirus Crisis Team (, The Coronavirus Crisis Team will be happy to answer any questions you might have, also over the phone (. you have entered Mecklenburg-Vorpommern from an international risk area; have entered Mecklenburg-Vorpommern from high-risk areas in other federal states (incidence of 200 and above) and are subject to compulsory quarantine. Please inform the University’s Coronavirus Crisis Team (. Unsere Patienten benötigen auch über die nächsten Wochen und Monate regelmäßig Blutprodukte. Stimmen Sie sich in Ihren Arbeits-Teams ab und gehen Sie an verschiedenen Tagen zur Spende. 19/02/2021: The answers to questions 3 and 5 under Studies and Teaching were updated. Zum Schutz anderer Patienten ist es hilfreich, wenn Sie das Krankenhaus vorher informieren. Dort werden sie auf mögliche Symptome geprüft und entsprechend in den jeweiligen Bereich geleitet. If there is only a driver and one passenger in the vehicle, the passenger must sit in the back of the vehicle. Corresponding notifications will of course be handled confidentially. 10/02/2021: The answers to questions 3 and 9 under Studies and Teaching were updated. Op 8 februari 2021 heeft het kabinet besloten dat de avondklok wordt verlengd tot en met 2 maart. If the vehicle has air conditioning, it must be turned off. Experience game nights, quizzes, weekly yoga retreats, language coffees, round tables, private conversations with members of the International Office and … Uni Big Band Greifswald, Greifswald (Greifswald, Germany). 484 likes. Mit welchen Mitteln lassen sie sich wirksam abtöten? Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Patienten können selbstverständlich bis zum Eingang der UMG begleitet, und nach Beendigung der Behandlung dort auch wieder abgeholt werden. Für COVID-19-Infektionen bei Beschäftigten gilt die folgende Meldekette (aktualisiert am 18.08.2020). These persons cannot take a test to prove that they are negative and thus terminate their quarantine until 5 days have passed. Persons returning to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern from private travel to high-risk areas in other German federal states must contact the local Gesundheitsamt (Public Health Office) and also self-isolate for 10 days. High-risk areas are defined as districts and independent towns with an incidence of 200 or more new coronavirus infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the 7 days prior to entry to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (see the numbers provided on the RKI’s website [de]). More detailed information can be found in the Hygiene Plan for Holding Classes at the University. : +49 3834 420 4391 Fax: +49 3834 420 4413 biochemie(at)uni-greifswald(dot)de. Greifswald (Nedersaksisch: Griepswohld; Archaïsch Nederlands: Griepswoude) is een gemeente in de Duitse deelstaat Mecklenburg-Voor-Pommeren.Sinds 2011 maakt de stad als Kreisstadt deel uit van de Landkreis Vorpommern-Greifswald.Tot dan was het een kreisfreie stad.De stad telt 59.382 inwoners. Wo können Bürger Antworten zur aktuellen Lage erhalten? … wenn Sie klassische Erkältungssymptome und/oder Fieber und/oder Probleme mit der Atmung haben und. Wat te doen in Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Voor-Pommeren. We will announce new compulsory regulations for further planning on this page by the end of February. Above all, this entails securing normal procedures for teaching, examinations and research, as well as the work of university bodies. ), Information on the novel coronavirus SARS CoV 2 [de], Information from the Robert Koch-Institute [de], Information from the Federal Ministry of Health, Information page about the coronavirus pandemic provided by Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Government [de], Information for tertiary education institutions, students and research institutions [de], Travel information from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Recommendations from the Robert Koch Institute, Recommendations for self-isolation and quarantine after exposure to COVID-19 issued by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Please keep a close eye on the information on the procedure of adapting examinations on site to alternative examination formats and on holding (written or oral) digital examinations, which can be found on the, Examination participants must observe the current, General information about the current examination regulations at the University of Greifswald can be found on the, The Central Examination Office provides advisory sessions after, Courses that require specialist laboratories or equipment that is only available at the University can only be held on site up until 18 December and recommence no earlier than 11 January 2021. We will announce new compulsory regulations for further planning on this page by the end of February. University Computer Centre. : 03831-357-4218 Fax: 03831-357-442300 E-Mail:, Am Packhof 2-6 19053 Schwerin Tel: 0385 545-1001 (Zentral) Fax: 0385 545-2829 E-Mail: AUGUSTUS is a program that predicts genes in eukaryotic genomic sequences. Second dose: 546,165. The following persons are exempt from this obligation: Special regulations apply to persons working in laboratories, please refer to the corresponding guidelines. The decrees issued by the Ministry of Education regarding studies and teaching at Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's higher education institutions during the coronavirus pandemic can be found here [de]. Dann wird bereits alles für Sie vorbereitet und Sie kommen möglicherweise ohne Kontakte zu anderen Patienten in Ihr Behandlungszimmer. I have been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 14 days and show signs of respiratory illness, I have been in direct contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days, however show no signs of respiratory illness (yet). Is the University providing any support that could help me come to terms with the current situation? Das Gesundheitsministerium hat in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales eine Hotline für interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger geschaltet. Department Student Council Hans-Fallada-Straße 1 17489 Greifswald Tel. 30 18528 Bergen auf Rügen Tel. The Chairs of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, and Clinical and Physiological Psychology/Psychotherapy are providing psychological support to help those affected come to terms with these straining situations. Nutzen Sie Besteck, Gläser und Vergleichbares nicht gemeinsam. The University continues to be faced with immense organisational challenges due to its obligation to realise and make sure the safety and hygiene requirements that have been developed as a result of the pandemic are observed. Students: please inform the Crisis Team about the classes/courses, sessions of bodies, consultation hours etc. Where can I find further information? Das ist erforderlich, um bei eventuellen Übertragungen die Infektionskette nachvollziehen zu können. It is compulsory to wear a face covering at all times in all of the University’s buildings. Nieuws en video's over Coronavirus. 09/02/2021: The answers to questions 3, 4 and 5 under General Health and Guidelines were updated. Since 1456 Faculty of Law, since 1914 Faculty of Law and Economics Nur mit Termin unter Tel: 03834 / 86-5478: Montag bis Donnerstag 09:00 – 18:00 Uhr und Freitag 07:00 – 16:00 Uhr,, Universitätsmedizin GreifswaldKörperschaft des öffentlichen RechtsFleischmannstraße 817475 Greifswald, E-Mail: info-unimedizin obscureAddMid() med.uni-greifswald obscureAddEnd() deTelefon: 03834 86-0, Copyright © Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, Diese Website verwendet Cookies. hygiene regulations for examinations being held on site. Contact your general practitioner over the phone immediately to find out whether it is necessary to have yourself tested. Thank you for your willingness to cooperate and for your understanding. This applies to events being organised by external parties as well as events organised by members of the university community with external participants. The following checklists (summarised information) apply for students attending and lecturers holding classes on site. Daher helfen auch dieselben Maßnahmen, die Sie alle seit Jahren kennen. It is compulsory to wear a face covering at all times in all of the University’s buildings as well as in front of them, please refer to the University's Hygiene Plan [de], last revised on 16/02/2021. : +49 3834 420 3162 fsripk uni-greifswald … Unfortunately, due to the related risks, no excursions lasting several days can take place for the time being. Which regulations apply for using (work) vehicles? Ist die Unimedizin Greifswald vorbereitet? First dose: 15,576,107. However, we are able to provide customised virtual visits [de] to the University for interested schools. Coronavirus Pandemic: Employment-Related Information for Employees 1 of the University of Greifswald. : +49 3834 420 3150 powi uni-greifswald de. Update 9 februari: avondklok verlengd. Where can I find reliable information on COVID-19 (coronavirus SARS-CoV-2? Please contact the District of Vorpommern-Greifswald’s public helpline under +49 3834 8760 2300 (Mon.-Fri. 8.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m., Sat./Sun. Aktuelle Mitarbeiterinformationen zum Corona-Virus, Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Universitätsklinikums Greifswald, Elektronisch gestütztes Promotionsverfahren, Ethik, Theorie und Geschichte der Lebenswissenschaften, Terminvereinbarungen in den Kliniken/Polikliniken/Zentren, Fortbildungsangebote der Weiterbildungstätte, Video zum An- und Ablegen von Schutzkleidung. Weitere Informationen zu Cookies auf dieser Website finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung und zu uns im Impressum. Hierzu werden pseudonymisierte Daten von Website-Besuchern gesammelt und ausgewertet. What should I do if I am showing acute signs of illness that could suggest I have fallen ill with COVID-19 (especially cough, sore throat, high temperature, runny nose...)? Corona is derived from Latin corōna (“garland, wreath; crown”), from Ancient Greek κορώνη (korṓnē, “something curved; curved stern of a ship; end, point, tip”), from Proto-Indo-European *(s)ker- (“to bend, turn”). but, who have neither visited their immediate family nor spent time there due to joint custody of a child or visiting rights. Further information can be obtained from the helpline at the Gesundheitsamt (Public Health Office) of the District of Vorpommern-Greifswald (Tel. As a result of this, no conferences, congresses, ceremonies, colloquia, symposia etc. I feel strained by the isolation at home, quarantine or the restricted contact to others. Lees beoordelingen van echte reizigers zoals jij en bekijk professionele foto's van de beste activiteiten in Greifswald op Tripadvisor. Communication Studies Office Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3, 3rd floor 17487 Greifswald Tel. During the entire journey, all passengers (excluding the driver) must wear an FFP face mask without an exhalation valve. In front of the University’s libraries and whenever you cannot keep a minimum distance of 1.5m, it is compulsory to wear a face covering. Track COVID-19 local and global coronavirus cases with active, recoveries and death rate on the map, with daily news and video. Coronaviruses have enveloped virions that measure approximately 120 nm in diameter. 17487 Greifswald. Der Einlass ist zwischen 10 und 16 Uhr möglich. Wherever possible, technical alternatives such as telephone and video conferences should be used. Until further notice, the fulfilment of these key tasks requires a significantly larger number of rooms and administrative effort than usual. Manager: Dr. Kristian Dittmann Tel. In den vergangenen Wochen durfte jeder Patient nur von einer zuvor festgelegten Person besucht werden. 613 likes. Wo finde ich den Kontakt zu einem Gesundheitsamt in Mecklenburg - Vorpommern? This web server provides an interface for training AUGUSTUS for predicting genes in genomes of novel species. De Johns Hopkins Universiteit houdt een kaart bij met realtime data over het aantal gediagnosticeerde patiënten met het nieuwe coronavirus, het aantal overleden patiënten en het aantal patiënten dat gezond verklaard is. Tel. Klar definierte Eingänge zur UMG für Patienten Für Patienten der Universitätsmedizin Greifswald gibt es ab sofort vier klar definierte Zugänge. In the District of Vorpommern-Greifswald, please take note of the, Please inform the Coronavirus Crisis Team (. The lecture period shall start on 12 October. Persons with a cough, runny nose etc. : +49 3834 8760 2300 or corona obscureAddMid() kreis-vg obscureAddEnd() de). Please contact Academic Counselling and Course Enquiries via email or over the phone or find further details on this website. 17487 Greifswald Tel. This page provides the Rectorate’s answers to your questions with regard to measures taken at the University of Greifswald for dealing with the coronavirus (COVID-19). COVID-19: Current information regarding the courses can be found on the pages of the working groups under "Structure". ... up until 7 March 2021. For more information, please keep a close eye on the website of the Central University Library. can take place at the University for the time being. Members of the university community and visiting academics, who have travelled to Greifswald from an international risk area, have been to one of these areas during the 10 days prior to entry, or have returned to Greifswald from high-risk areas within Germany and are subject to compulsory quarantine must please inform the University’s Coronavirus Crisis Team by sending an email to corona obscureAddMid() uni-greifswald obscureAddEnd() de indicating the date of arrival. Die Blutspende ist geöffnet und hat weiter ihren eigenen Eingang. Which regulations must I observe when working in the office during the coronavirus pandemic? : +49 3834 420 0Fax: +49 3834 420 1105, The University of Greifswald during National Socialism, The Greifswald Medicine Student Strike from 1955, Academic Counselling and Course Enquiries, Social and Psychological Counselling Service from Student Services, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s Excellence Initiative, Internationalisation at the University of Greifswald, Further Education and Continuing Professional Development Abroad. Besucher (m/w) sollen sich grundsätzlich immer vor Betreten des Patientenzimmers beim Stationspersonal namentlich  anmelden. Am Eingang der UMG achtet der Sicherheitsdienst auf Einhaltung dieser Regelung. Examples of coronaviruses include the … As a general rule of principle, all persons are obliged to wear a face covering (of any kind) at all times and in all university buildings. and Dentistry. must leave their surname, first name(s), full address, and telephone number to enable the fast breaking of chains of infection in critical situations. gerne informieren wir Sie hier rund um das Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV2), das momentan die Medienberichterstattung beherrscht. Office: Dietlind Behnke Domstraße 20 17489 Greifswald Tel. If work-related travel is required for taking part in events taking place elsewhere, members of staff must observe the valid COVID-19 regulations (keep your distance, observe personal hygiene, wear a face covering, let fresh air in regularly). The libraries’ open stacks areas may only be used by students who are preparing for upcoming compulsory examinations and/or producing coursework that must be submitted by a certain date. Observe at least 1.5 metres distance to others. Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs for members of the university community, last revised 10/02/2021, 8.45 a.m. Campus Berthold-Beitz-Platz. View vaccination data Which regulations currently apply to the University Library? Waschen Sie sich gründlich mit Seife die Hände, wenn Sie etwas angefasst haben, das auch andere Menschen berühren. Ok, einverstanden Unsere Datenschutzerklärung. In Greifswald sind die Kita Lütt Matten sowie der Klassenverband 1,2,3 der Montessorischule betroffen. Corona-infizierte Patienten sind von der Re­ge­lung ausgenommen, sie können keinen Besuch empfangen. Alle Antworten, die die Forschung zu solchen Fragen derzeit kennt, hat ein Forschungsteam aus Greifswald und Bochum zusammengestellt und am 6. Preface: The current crisis poses a special challenge to us all, in particular in terms of employment and civil service law. Which hygiene plans and guidelines currently apply for teaching and studies? All of the Kustodie’s guided tours are cancelled for the time being. Unsere Webseite verwendet Cookies. Wenn Sie zur Unimedizin Greifswald kommen, kündigen Sie das bitte unter dieser Telefonnummer an: 03834 – 864455  Dieses ist KEINE Nummer für allgemeine Fragen! Our Goals.
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